In addition, this will be the official album release party for argentine garage rockers Banda de Turistas and Vos Sabes…Como Te Esperaba! - A Tribute to Los Fabulosos Cadillacs! ISAPhoto.com will be shooting her 100th party photo gallery!! We’ll be giving away free music courtesy of Nacional Records and candy flavored lipgloss for the ladies courtesy of Yo-Yo Lipgloss, Mmmm!
Location: Fontana's (in the basement) - 105 Eldridge St (btwn Broome & Grand)
Time: 11:00PM – 4AM / 21+ w/ ID / $5 all night

This New York-based dynamic duo isn’t made up of your regular run-of-the-mill indie geeks. By day, they have regular jobs and normal names, but by night they are DJ SON and Post-Paint Boy! These guys are determined to prove that there is great hispanoparlante indie pop out there (mainly from other Spanish speaking countries). This awesome superhero-like league started out as a friendship that consisted of sharing music and various other interests in common (way too many to list). But know they’re using their powers for the common good, having started with their first indie pop party ever: Solo Dame Indie Pop!

Argentine garage rockers Banda de Turistas were recipients of the “LAMC Artist Discovery Award” at last year’s 10th Annual Latin Alternative Music Conference in New York City. Forming at the young age of 18, the retro rock group soon caught the ear of local rock icon Babasonicos frontman, Adrian Dargelos, and the vocalist praised them as one of his favorite new acts. Pulp’s legendary vocalist, Jarvis Cocker, even expressed his support for the band before they released their debut EP, asking them to open several shows in Buenos Aires. Rolling Stone Argentina hailed the group as 2008’s “Best New Artist” and MTV Latin America named Banda de Turistas as one of South America’s “Best Artists” of the year.

This special Fabulosos Cadillacs tribute release features new versions of classic Cadillacs tracks by a variety of leading Latin alternative acts, including Colombian music icons Aterciopelados, Tijuana’s electronica stars Nortec Collective, Puerto Rico’s reggae masters Cultura Profetica and Venezuelan disco funk rockers Los Amigos Invisibles. A Tribute to Los Fabulosos Cadillacs has already topped the album sales and radio charts in Argentina and Mexico.

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